Seafood Industry Traceability Toolkit
This toolkit provides a suite of resources to assist seafood companies on the path towards robust traceability adoption.
For companies already implementing traceability systems, it offers information and guidance for how to optimize that effort to improve effectiveness and meet evolving industry commitments and standards.
Seafood Traceability Glossary
This document provides definitions for common vocabulary associated with traceability, traceability technology products and systems, and seafood supply chains. Illustrations, diagrams, and photographs of select terms have also been included to provide additional clarification.
Understanding Costs for Traceability Technology Implementation
This tool sheds light upon the costs associated with scoping, implementing, and using traceability technology systems and can assist seafood companies with more accurate evaluation and planning for successful traceability adoption.
Mock Recalls and the Case for Robust Traceability
This guide provides the rationale and basic process for companies to integrate mock recalls into their operations; including ways in which having an existing recall plan, conducting mock recalls, and using an electronic traceability system all can help to reduce risk.
Taking the First Steps Towards Full-Chain Seafood Traceability
Interest in technology solutions for seafood traceability is on the rise. This overview is for individual companies or trading partners in a supply chain who are interested in finding a technology solution to meet their traceability needs.
Selecting Technology Vendors: Issuing RFPs
A well-executed Request for Proposal (RFP) process can facilitate efficient and effective selection of a technology vendor or group of vendors. These resources show you how.
Engaging Trading Partners for Full-Chain Traceability
This tool provides insights and guidelines for individuals looking to bring together their trading partners to discuss and implement traceability technology in a precompetitive, coordinated fashion.
Seafood Traceability and Key Data Elements
Companies considering implementing traceability systems frequently have similar questions: what level of traceability is needed to meet internal company needs, and which key data elements (KDEs) should be included in traceability systems? This document provides a high level overview of how to implement robust systems.
Requesting Verifiable Product-Level Data: A B2B Template
This tool is a B2B template designed to assist companies in requesting and communicating the importance of sharing accurate and verifiable traceability information among trading partners.
Leveraging Data & Tech to Defend Against Potential Fraud
This tool illustrates where fraud can occur in otherwise legitimate seafood supply chains; highlighting ways in which individual companies can defend against fraud and reduce their risk by prioritizing traceability data and technology.
Calculating Return on Investment
Savvy businesses recognize that traceability technology implementation is not a cost—it is an investment. This suite of tools helps seafood companies estimate, evaluate, and monitor their ROI from traceability implementation.
Industry Toolkit Resource Library
There are a number of tools, guides, and white papers available for seafood industry actors interested in implementing traceability systems. This library highlights some of the key resources created specifically to help companies determine how the traceability process works and what is required to meet their sustainability goals.
Fisheries Development Model
The Fishery Development Model (FDM), created by Future of Fish, uses a system lens to help effectively leverage existing resources across all key components of fishery, creating a framework and guide for traceability adoption and implementation in seafood supply chains.