Viewing: sustainable seafood

Peru Artisanal Fisher Development Fund — Unlocking benefits for fishers and cooperatives

Updated July 11, 2024 Future of Fish and partners are excited to announce the Artisanal Fisher Development Fund (the Fund), a pilot loan guarantee fund to facilitate access to credit to support formalization, sustainable practices and financial inclusion amongst Peru´s artisanal fishing sector .  The Fund aims to facilitate access to credit for working capital loans through aggregated purchase programs of Coops for inputs such as gas, ice, oil, and other fishing essentials the savings of which will be passed on to fisher members…


Advancing finance for fisheries improvement

Fisheries are a crucial part of our global food system, providing sustenance and livelihoods for millions of people worldwide. However, many fisheries face significant challenges, including overfishing, habitat degradation, and the need for effective management practices. In an effort to address these issues, Fisheries Improvement Projects (FIPs) have gained prominence as a mechanism for promoting sustainable fishing practices, with a social responsibility assessment tool recently added to the framework. Future of Fish’s recent report, "Advancing Finance for FIPs," sheds light on the financial aspects…


Future of Fish publishes 2022 Impact Report

Since the founding of Future of Fish over a decade ago, our work in the fisheries sector has afforded us many opportunities to learn, grow, and evolve as an organization. Our team at Future of Fish deeply values the power of iterative momentum to get us ever closer to solving the most complex problems facing our world today. Creating change from the ground up takes time and requires building partnerships and establishing enabling conditions to set the foundation to initiate change. In many ways,…


Future of Fish hosts Chef-Fisher Learning Exchanges in Peru

In March, a group of notable Peruvian chefs and fishermen got together on Zoom to discuss how they can work together to solve challenges they face with marine resources.  We also invited fishers and chefs from Mexico, Chile and South Africa to share solutions towards sustainable fishing and responsible consumption. Watch our recap video on YouTube here >> Thank you very much to all the participants! Restaurant Industry ARMAP Asociación de Restaurantes y afines  Chefs & Restaurants Chef Kumar Paredes Restaurant KU.MAR Cevichería Fusión …


Covid-19 + Fisheries: Six essential readings

After a year (or more, depending on where you’re located) of Covid-19 pandemic lockdowns almost nothing about our work in fisheries looks the same as it did before. At the beginning of 2020, we were deeply embedded in on-the-ground projects with small scale fisheries in Peru and Chile, and developing projects in Vietnam and the Caribbean. As the virus first spread, it became too risky for many of our staff and fisher colleagues to continue to work or fish in the field, especially as…


The Power of Partnership: Future of Fish, Secure Fisheries and Shuraako

Photo: lobster fishing in Bander Bayla. When it comes to tackling the social and environmental issues of our time, no one organization has all the expertise and capacity needed to solve these complex challenges alone. But together, we can move mountains—or, in the case of fisheries, turn the tide. A recent Partnership Agreement between Future of Fish and One Earth Future Foundation’s two programs, Secure Fisheries and Shuraako, builds on this ethos, and seeks to collectively develop the mechanisms needed for scalable projects that benefit coastal communities and ocean…


Climate justice means protecting the future of fish

This post was origianlly featured on GlobalWA's blog, as part of their February focus on climate justice. Billions of people depend on fish as a critical source of protein. From lobster divers in Belize to handline mahi-mahi fishers in Peru, communities around the world feed themselves and make a living from the fish they pull from the ocean every day. But these livelihoods are under threat. Climate change is already wrecking havoc for coastal communities in developing countries, with rising seas damaging dockside infrastructure and…


Pesca consciente, ceviche por siempre

Peruvian cuisine is synonymous with seafood. From ceviche to arroz con mariscos to grilled octopus, seafood is one area where local ingredients—and chefs—truly shine. What may come as a surprise is that despite the deep love of seafood, sustainable and traceable seafood movements are still very nascent in Peru. The newness of the conversation means there are still a lot of things to work out. For instance, there is no common definition of “responsible sourcing” in Peru, and “sustainability” means different things to different…


Moving forward: ideas co-designed

Versión en Español a abajo by Iván Greco, Research Associate at FOF The last time we reported from our on the ground process, we told you about the characteristics of each Caleta with whom we embarked with on this adventure (blog: On the ground in Chile: Caleta Profile). During the months of October and November, we helped to create the space for co-design to occur, and with our partners we conducted 7 workshops across 4 caletas. These were spaces where we rolled out the red…


Part 4: How Technology Can Save the Oceans… with a little bit of help

Part 4: Cutting Edge Fishing Gear: Lights, camera, action! Each year, fishermen  around the world throw back more than seven million tons of unwanted sea life. This “bycatch” includes everything from whales and dolphins to turtles to too-small juvenile fish, and once they’re pulled up in a net, many are injured or die before they can be released. This is the collateral damage of the fishing industry. In 2015 alone, The World Wildlife Federation (WWF) estimated that over 300,000 small whales, porpoises, and dolphins were killed…


Part 3: How Technology Can Save the Oceans… with a little bit of help

Part 3: Tracing Seafood in the Supply Chain We know them from grocery store checkouts—barcodes and QR codes are ubiquitous on retail shelves. What if that same technology could help us trace our fish? From seafood suppliers and producers to retailers and chefs, the power of technology to promote traceability and storytelling is catching on. In part 3 of our 4-part series on how technology can help save the seas (with a little help), we turn our attention to innovations that help trace seafood…


Part 2: How Technology Can Save the Oceans… with a little bit of help

Part 2: Enforcing Regulations Snapchat, Instagram, remote-controlled drones. Technology is speeding along faster than we can install the latest iPhone update. And with so much time, energy, and money pouring into tech, we’re excited to see new innovations that can help our oceans as well. In part 2 of our 4-part series on how technology can help save the seas (with a little help), we turn our attention to innovations in regulation and enforcement. It might not sound exciting, but these companies are using…
