Viewing: industry

How Business Leaders Can Drive Seafood Supply Chains Toward Sustainability

This article was originally posted as an op-ed on Triple Pundit as part of their ongoing Sustainable Seafood channel. In the last 10 years we’ve seen 25 of the top U.S. retailers make commitments to purchasing sustainable seafood. We’ve seen a lot less traction and follow-through on those commitments. The fact remains that there is not enough responsible fish—whether you define that as Marine Stewardship Council certified, Monterey Bay Aquarium green-listed, or some other eco-label—to satisfy current demand for fish. As a result, many companies are defaulting on their promised timelines, or…


What’s Current in Seafood: The Industry Perspective

This is a preview. See the full infographic here. The Seafood Expo North America (SENA) is probably the only event in the country where you can walk down one aisle of booths and shake hands with a refrigerated boxcar expert, an oyster shucking champion, a sculpture artist, a high-efficiency pump engineer, and a technician specializing in shrink wrap. The largest seafood trade show on the continent, SENA offers the unique opportunity to meet and mingle with people from every possible facet of the seafood industry: fishers, distributors,…
