Viewing: finance

Peru Artisanal Fisher Development Fund — Unlocking benefits for fishers and cooperatives

Updated July 11, 2024 Future of Fish and partners are excited to announce the Artisanal Fisher Development Fund (the Fund), a pilot loan guarantee fund to facilitate access to credit to support formalization, sustainable practices and financial inclusion amongst Peru´s artisanal fishing sector .  The Fund aims to facilitate access to credit for working capital loans through aggregated purchase programs of Coops for inputs such as gas, ice, oil, and other fishing essentials the savings of which will be passed on to fisher members…


The power of partnerships: MAR Fund & Future of Fish

Future of Fish recently partnered with the Mesoamerican Reef Fund (MAR Fund) to update business models and suggest investment strategies for the Belizean seaweed industry. Our team connected with the team at MAR Fund to discuss the project a little more, and understand how the organizations work supports each other's mission. MAR Fund Question — MAR Fund’s mission is to drive regional funding and partnerships for the conservation, restoration, and sustainable use of the Mesoamerican Reef (MAR). Tell us about your focus in Belize.…


Advancing finance for fisheries improvement

Fisheries are a crucial part of our global food system, providing sustenance and livelihoods for millions of people worldwide. However, many fisheries face significant challenges, including overfishing, habitat degradation, and the need for effective management practices. In an effort to address these issues, Fisheries Improvement Projects (FIPs) have gained prominence as a mechanism for promoting sustainable fishing practices, with a social responsibility assessment tool recently added to the framework. Future of Fish’s recent report, "Advancing Finance for FIPs," sheds light on the financial aspects…


Future of Fish publishes 2022 Impact Report

Since the founding of Future of Fish over a decade ago, our work in the fisheries sector has afforded us many opportunities to learn, grow, and evolve as an organization. Our team at Future of Fish deeply values the power of iterative momentum to get us ever closer to solving the most complex problems facing our world today. Creating change from the ground up takes time and requires building partnerships and establishing enabling conditions to set the foundation to initiate change. In many ways,…


How digital services can promote positive socio-ecological outcomes in small-scale fisheries

Image Credit: Iván Greco, Future of Fish Chile Blue economy is a phrase used to describe the many ways that ocean and coastal resources provide economic benefits to humanity. The natural capital of these resources provides benefits that can manifest directly through livelihood activities like fishing and tourism or indirectly through natural ecosystem services, such as coastal protection, carbon storage, and biodiversity preservation, or practicing one’s cultural heritage. A sustainable blue economy is an economic model which emphasizes that ocean resources are managed and…


Cómo los servicios digitales pueden promover resultados socioecológicos positivos en la pesca artesanal

Crédito de la imagen: Iván Greco, Fundación Future of Fish Chile   (Artículo publicado originalmente en inglés) La economía azul es una expresión utilizada para describir las múltiples formas en que los recursos oceánicos y costeros proporcionan beneficios económicos a la humanidad. El capital natural de estos recursos proporciona beneficios que pueden manifestarse directamente a través de actividades de subsistencia como la pesca y el turismo, o indirectamente a través de los servicios de los ecosistemas naturales, como la protección de las costas, el…


Promoting financial inclusion of small-scale fisheries in Peru

Economic and cultural barriers mean that small-scale fishers in Peru often remain locked out from accessing financing, and from the benefits and opportunities of formalization. By Cristina Rocca, Future of Fish Sustainable Business Analyst Fishers are the stewards of the ocean, and their decisions directly impact the sustainability of the environment and the community’s livelihood. Because of this role, fishers should be well-positioned to access different sources of support and capital for projects, which can incentivize sustainability and resilience and support many UN Sustainable…


Promoviendo a la inclusión financiera de la pesca artesanal en Perú

Las barreras económicas y culturales impiden a los pescadores artesanales de Perú acceder a la financiación y a los beneficios y oportunidades de la formalización. Por Cristina Rocca, analista de negocios sostenibles de Future of Fish (Artículo publicado originalmente en inglés) Los pescadores son los guardianes del océano, y sus decisiones repercuten directamente en la sostenibilidad del medio ambiente y los medios de vida de la comunidad. Debido a este papel, los pescadores deberían estar bien posicionados para acceder a diferentes fuentes de apoyo…


Capital Coordination for Fisheries Transformation

Sometimes, when solving problems in complex systems, designing simple solutions can work best. One year after we hosted a panel on blended finance and fisheries at SOCAP (the Social Capital Markets conference in San Francisco), we will be returning to this conference with a refined perspective on blended finance, and share what we’ve learned first-hand in Peru, Chile and Belize for keeping blended finance simple. Overall, we believe that blended finance plays a major role in catalyzing fisheries transformation—the approach aligns efforts across multiple sectors, removes risks that…


Connecting the Dots: the need for Fishery System Intermediaries

This is the first in a series of blog posts about fisheries system intermediaries. The world’s oceans are in crisis at a time when forty percent of the world’s population lives within 60 miles of the coast, and billions of people derive their nutrition and livelihoods from coastal fisheries. Communities, nonprofits, governments, and philanthropists have been working hard for decades to improve fisheries and seafood systems, but sustained systemic change has proven elusive. Why is this? And what can be done about it? THE…
