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Supporting Systems Change with the Bioneers

Future of Fish was invited to speak at our first National Bioneers Conference in October in Marin, California. Founded in 1990, Bioneers “has acted as a fertile hub of social and scientific innovators with practical and visionary solutions for the world’s most pressing environmental and social challenges.” This year’s theme was “Uprising” and focused on models and strategies for climate action, ending extreme inequality, building democracy, racial and gender equity, women’s leadership, and restoring land, water, air, and biodiversity. Marah Hardt, Future of Fish’s Research Director,…


Sharing traceability system insights

Traceability is a powerful tool for suppliers and consumers alike, so why isn’t it more widespread? To answer this question, we set out to better understand the challenges that keep seafood supply chains from adopting full-chain traceability. We're proud to announce that our findings have been published in the August 2017 issue of the Journal of Food Science, alongside parallel research from our partners in the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation's Ocean and Seafood Markets Initiative (OSMI): FishWise, Future of Fish, the Global Food Traceability…


Finding the One: Insights from our Seafood Summit panel

Introduction Selecting a traceability technology provider — or better yet, a group of them — can be a daunting step for any seafood supplier. That’s why we were thrilled to have veterans of the traceability implementation process join us for a panel called “Finding the One” at the 2017 Seafood Summit in Seattle, Washington. In this first-ever all-women panel, representatives from International Pole & Line Foundation (IPLNF), Masyarakat dan Perikanan Indonesia (MDPI) and The Nature Conservancy Belize (TNC Belize) shared their unique business drivers,…


How to get seafood supply chains on board with traceability

Traceability is a powerful tool for suppliers and consumers alike, so why isn’t it more widespread? We set out to better understand the roadblocks keeping seafood supply chains from adopting full-chain traceability. Drawing on our relationships with seafood processors, suppliers, and fishers, we examined the underlying factors that need to be overcome in order to implement traceability technology. We're proud to announce that our findings have been published in the August 2017 issue of the Journal of Food Science, alongside parallel research from our partners…


Chasing Stories in Chile: Hitting the Road, Future of Fish Style

When thinking about how to solve overfishing in seafood supply chains, chasing stories across the Chilean countryside may not be the first thing that comes to mind. But at Future of Fish, this is an important first step in developing equitable long-term system change. “We try to make sense of systems by looking at the lived experiences of people within them,” says Charley Scull, Future of Fish Senior Researcher. Since Future of Fish’s inception, an emphasis on understanding the human-behavior side of the sustainable…


Cooperative traceability: Next-generation approaches for complex seafood supply chains

Seafood traceability requires reliable data, but the logistics of creating, transferring, and receiving trustworthy, timely data in complex supply chains can be tricky. At every link in the seafood supply chain, a new player handles the fish and either creates or consumes data. Each player has various interests and business needs, which means their data needs can also be vastly different. A harvester might want to know where the fish was caught, for example, while a processor might be more interested in shipment arrival…



Catching Up With… Sean Barrett

How one company is inspiring chefs and restaurants around the country to pair story with seafood. Expanding on the launch of our Storied Fish research report, The Untapped Potential of Story to Sell Seafood, we caught up with Sean Barrett, Co-Founder of Dock to Dish to hear how spreading the message of “know your fisherman” has allowed restaurants to market Storied Fish at top prices, and has inspired chefs to demand story with their seafood. Why did you start pairing fish with story and when did you…


Part 4: How Technology Can Save the Oceans… with a little bit of help

Part 4: Cutting Edge Fishing Gear: Lights, camera, action! Each year, fishermen  around the world throw back more than seven million tons of unwanted sea life. This “bycatch” includes everything from whales and dolphins to turtles to too-small juvenile fish, and once they’re pulled up in a net, many are injured or die before they can be released. This is the collateral damage of the fishing industry. In 2015 alone, The World Wildlife Federation (WWF) estimated that over 300,000 small whales, porpoises, and dolphins were killed…


Part 3: How Technology Can Save the Oceans… with a little bit of help

Part 3: Tracing Seafood in the Supply Chain We know them from grocery store checkouts—barcodes and QR codes are ubiquitous on retail shelves. What if that same technology could help us trace our fish? From seafood suppliers and producers to retailers and chefs, the power of technology to promote traceability and storytelling is catching on. In part 3 of our 4-part series on how technology can help save the seas (with a little help), we turn our attention to innovations that help trace seafood…


Part 2: How Technology Can Save the Oceans… with a little bit of help

Part 2: Enforcing Regulations Snapchat, Instagram, remote-controlled drones. Technology is speeding along faster than we can install the latest iPhone update. And with so much time, energy, and money pouring into tech, we’re excited to see new innovations that can help our oceans as well. In part 2 of our 4-part series on how technology can help save the seas (with a little help), we turn our attention to innovations in regulation and enforcement. It might not sound exciting, but these companies are using…


How Technology Can Save the Oceans… with a little bit of help

Snapchat, instagram, remote-controlled drones. Technology is speeding along faster than we can install the latest iPhone update. And with so much time, energy, and money pouring into tech, we’re excited to see new innovations that can help our oceans as well. Historically, technology applied to oceans has driven decline. Now there’s a new opportunity for technology to take a role in responsible management: Tech-savvy environmentalists and entrepreneurs are harnessing the power of technology to help enforce regulations, to trace and track fish, to identify…


Press Release: Announcing The Traceability 101 Toolkit

June 8, 2016 -- There’s a new buzzword in the sustainable seafood movement: traceability. Like “sustainability,” “traceability” can mean different things to different people. To advance progress for greater seafood traceability, a shared understanding of traceability concepts and technology is needed. To help move the conversation forward, Future of Fish, with the assistance of FishWise, and the Global Food Traceability Center (GFTC) is pleased to announce a brand new resource, the Traceability 101 Toolkit. End-to-end traceability requires the coordinated effort of NGOs and their industry…
