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Five Ways to Protect the Future of Fish in a Changing Climate

In our last blog post, we looked at five ways that climate change threatens fish and the people that rely on them for their livelihoods. Since then, the IPCC released its Special Report on the Ocean and Cryosphere in a Changing Climate, which paints an alarming picture for our ocean. We admit to shedding a few angry tears as we read the report. But the flipside is that it’s not too late to make systemic, meaningful change to limit greenhouse gas emissions and contain the…


Capital Coordination for Fisheries Transformation

Sometimes, when solving problems in complex systems, designing simple solutions can work best. One year after we hosted a panel on blended finance and fisheries at SOCAP (the Social Capital Markets conference in San Francisco), we will be returning to this conference with a refined perspective on blended finance, and share what we’ve learned first-hand in Peru, Chile and Belize for keeping blended finance simple. Overall, we believe that blended finance plays a major role in catalyzing fisheries transformation—the approach aligns efforts across multiple sectors, removes risks that…


Five Ways Climate Change Threatens the Future of Fish

In our mission to end overfishing, we focus on creating solutions that can benefit both the environment and the communities that depend on fisheries for food and trade. Increasingly, we find ourselves faced with the question: how can we design solutions that can endure the onslaught of climate change? And even more importantly, can we design in ways that can reduce the carbon footprint of fisheries, to help tackle both overfishing and the climate crisis? Fish and fisheries are already feeling the effects of…


How do you define government data modernization?

Earlier this year, Future of Fish undertook a research project on fisheries data modernization efforts across governments. From this work we’ve come up with a proposed definition for ‘government data modernization’ and we want to know what you think. The Information Age is here, but fisheries that are able to effectively collect and use data continue to be a rarity around the world. This generates several problems, including flawed catch limits, a lack of reliable forecasting or enforcement, and the inability to meet demands…


Meet the team: Q&A with Julie Budkowski

Julie has a background as an educator and problem solver, and she has spent her career empowering change through the development and growth of innovative programs. Her expertise is in operations, project management, program and partnership development, education and knowledge translation. She received her Masters in Education from Griffith University and has worked in private, public and not for profit sectors. Julie has been working on projects and with programs empowering young people to identify a cause they are passionate about, and work to…


Belize’s First FIP Brings a Fresh Approach

A First Time For Everything Known for its relatively progressive fisheries management approaches, such as its network of Marine Protected Areas and Managed Access program, the Caribbean country of Belize now can add another innovation to its list: the Caribbean spiny lobster Fishery Improvement Project (FIP) + Fishery Development Model (FDM). Pioneering a fresh approach to FIPs, this project will combine the strengths of a traditional FIP’s environmental approach with the social, economic, and data-driven approach of Future of Fish’s Fishery Development Model (FDM). Hoping to address…



Data Modernization Moves: SERNAPESCA and Future of Fish MOU signals collaboration

VERSIÓN EN ESPAÑOL DISPONIBLE It’s been a strong year for fisheries improvement in Chile.  As we wrote about in January, the government kicked-off 2019 with passage of a modernization law to strengthen enforcement and transparency across Chile’s extensive fisheries and supply chains.  As part of this effort, Future of Fish is excited to continue our partnership with SERNAPESCA to improve data systems and build stronger infrastructure for protection and improvement of Chile’s fisheries—a partnership that was made official on July 17, 2019, through the signing of…


Project Crossroads: moving towards action with fishing caletas and open air vendors

Over the last year, Future of Fish has been working through a co-design process with four Chilean artisanal hake caletas, leading them through idea development, business modelling and most recently to the finalisation of business plans. Last month we brought everyone together in Valparaiso, to discuss our cross-caleta learnings and plan our next steps. Working with four caletas in different locations (El Quisco, Duao, San Antonio and San Pedro Concon) and a group of open air market vendors (mostly from Santiago) means that Future…


Celebrating Women in Fisheries

World Ocean Day was June 8, and we loved hearing about all the inspiring projects and activists working to improve the health of our oceans. This year’s focus was “gender and the ocean,” a topic very dear to our hearts. Of course, work to protect marine environments and create thriving fisheries is a year-round job, so this week we’re continuing the appreciation for ocean advocates by giving props to some of our favorite women in fisheries. From tech to government, these amazing women are…


Keeping track of the Fish+Tech space

The fish tech space is growing, and fast. It was just a few years back that industry folks and nonprofits alike were trying to get their heads around what end-to-end traceability might look like and which technologies might be used to facilitate it. Since then, we’ve seen technologies such as blockchain, electronic monitoring, and machine learning make a splash in the seafood and ocean conservation spaces. With the exploding number of companies and initiatives, it can be hard to keep up. The good news…


Towards a Sustainable Seafood Movement in Peru

In Peru, chefs are influencers. Armed with international training, Michelen-starred restaurants, and huge Instagram followings, Peru’s hottest culinary stars help drive the food scene and can elevate a humble ingredient or regional dish to cult status. This influence extends well beyond the country’s borders: gastronomic tourism is booming, and the World Travel Awards has named Peru one of the world’s top culinary destinations for seven years in a row. Of course, Peruvian cuisine is synonymous with seafood. From ceviche to grilled octopus, seafood is…


Connecting the Dots: the need for Fishery System Intermediaries

This is the first in a series of blog posts about fisheries system intermediaries. The world’s oceans are in crisis at a time when forty percent of the world’s population lives within 60 miles of the coast, and billions of people derive their nutrition and livelihoods from coastal fisheries. Communities, nonprofits, governments, and philanthropists have been working hard for decades to improve fisheries and seafood systems, but sustained systemic change has proven elusive. Why is this? And what can be done about it? THE…
