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No more silver bullets

Future of Fish was founded on the belief that entrepreneurship can save the oceans. No, we don’t mean industry, or business-as-usual. We mean creativity and innovation, leashed on behalf of reducing overfishing or protecting marine habitats. Companies that give consumers a way to turn vague, good feelings of wanting the ocean to thrive into concrete decisions about where to spend money. We work with businesses that seek to not just be profitable, but to protect and improve the 71 percent of the planet that…


Shifting complex systems, one fish at a time

“Try not to determine your self-worth by the outcome or success you have in reaching your goals. Instead, measure the success of your life by how well your actions reflect the intentions that are formed by your core values.” -Phillip Moffit, Buddhist teacher and author Three years ago, I began working on solving a problem that is as complex as they come: saving the fish. If you’re not familiar with the problem of global overfishing, the stats are stark: 85 percent of the world’s…
