Viewing: Community Development

Meet Guisella Purizaca Eche: Community leader

As part of the Guardians of the Sea (Guardianes del mar) series, Future of Fish’s Jhordan Avalos had the opportunity to speak with Guisella Purizaca Eche, a 33-year-old leader from La Islilla, a small artisanal fishing village located in Paita, Piura - Peru. Known for her openness and motivation to participate in Future of Fish’s leadership programs Guisella is part of the group that formed in her community to address local development issues. In this candid interview, she talks about her life, leadership, the…


Co-creating with “Las mamás” in Perú

By Jenni Ahern, Program Director, Future of Fish Peru You may hear the terms "participatory development”, “co-design” or “co-create” a lot these days as Community and International Development theory continues to evolve. This theory evolves and adapts to human beings and community identified needs, where the most crucial piece of participatory community development is trust building. Trust in process and in people, are the two necessary ingredients for success. We know that healthy oceans and healthy communities go hand in hand. Future of Fish…
