Viewing: chile

Fish Story: René Jara

Historias de pesca: René Jara (Versión en Español más abajo) René Jara, also known as "Patolín", was born in Duao, a fishing cove in the Maule region of Chile.  He began fishing when he was 15, and now — at 28 — he’s an expert in the art, catching hake, squid, crab, and elephant fish among other species. For René, fishing runs in the family: he credits his father for teaching him everything he knows. In time, René's entrepreneurial spirit led him to own…


Capital coordination and capacity building in Chile

Workers in small scale fisheries make up over 90% of all seafood employees. These small fisheries, spread from Chile to Belize to Vietnam, catch 50% of the seafood eaten around the world. Small scale fishing can be a hard life — long days on the water, stock fluctuations due to climate change or overfishing, and often low prices. Still: fishing is a lifestyle, a living, a tradition, and a way to support families and communities. For small scale fishers who want to improve their…


Fish Story: Luis Solís

Historias de pesca: Luis Solís (Versión en Español más abajo) Luis Solís, born and raised in the commune of Renca, is a tireless worker and champion for his community, dedicated to working with small scale producers and businesses to improve food supply chains and access to nutritious food for all Chileans. Over the course of his career in both the private and public sectors, he observed a lack of connection and organization between workers causing inefficiencies in the food supply system, as well as…


Comunicado de prensa: Llamada a la Acción: Future of Fish responde a COVID-19

Future of Fish anuncia nuevas iniciativas para apoyar a los pequeños pescadores durante la crisis de COVID-19 Abril 30, 2020 Para su inmediata publicación Durante una pandemia mundial, ¿qué sucede con los pescadores de mundo? Esta semana, el ONG Future of Fish anunció sus planes para apoyar a los pescadores y a las comunidades pesqueras en este momento sin precedente. La propagación y los efectos devastadores de la pandemia COVID-19 han paralizado un gran parte del mundo. Pero los peces siguen nadando como de…


PRESS RELEASE: Called to Action: Future of Fish responds to COVID-19

Future of Fish announces new initiatives to support small-scale fishers during COVID-19 crisis. April 30, 2020 For Immediate Release (Versión en Español) During a global pandemic, what happens to the world’s fishermen? This week, nonprofit Future of Fish announced its plans for supporting fishers and fishing communities in this unprecedented time. The spread and devastating effects of the COVID-19 pandemic has brought much of the world to a standstill. But fish are still swimming as usual, and small-scale fishers around the globe still depend…


Fish on the move in Chile

In December, our team members Iván and Diego were in Chile to witness a momentous event: the journey of a crate of fish from San Antonio to Santiago. This one small transaction may be only a 70 mile journey for the fish, but it reflects a giant step in our work to test new models to support fishing communities and sustainable fisheries around the world. Chile has one of the world’s longest coastlines, with over six hundred small fishing communities running artisanal operations that…


Data Modernization Moves: SERNAPESCA and Future of Fish MOU signals collaboration

VERSIÓN EN ESPAÑOL DISPONIBLE It’s been a strong year for fisheries improvement in Chile.  As we wrote about in January, the government kicked-off 2019 with passage of a modernization law to strengthen enforcement and transparency across Chile’s extensive fisheries and supply chains.  As part of this effort, Future of Fish is excited to continue our partnership with SERNAPESCA to improve data systems and build stronger infrastructure for protection and improvement of Chile’s fisheries—a partnership that was made official on July 17, 2019, through the signing of…


Project Crossroads: moving towards action with fishing caletas and open air vendors

Over the last year, Future of Fish has been working through a co-design process with four Chilean artisanal hake caletas, leading them through idea development, business modelling and most recently to the finalisation of business plans. Last month we brought everyone together in Valparaiso, to discuss our cross-caleta learnings and plan our next steps. Working with four caletas in different locations (El Quisco, Duao, San Antonio and San Pedro Concon) and a group of open air market vendors (mostly from Santiago) means that Future…


Moving forward: ideas co-designed

Versión en Español a abajo by Iván Greco, Research Associate at FOF The last time we reported from our on the ground process, we told you about the characteristics of each Caleta with whom we embarked with on this adventure (blog: On the ground in Chile: Caleta Profile). During the months of October and November, we helped to create the space for co-design to occur, and with our partners we conducted 7 workshops across 4 caletas. These were spaces where we rolled out the red…


Chile Takes Action against Illegal Fishing with New Law

Versión en Español a abajo Chile is taking a big step forward in the fight against illegal, unreported, and unregulated (IUU) fishing with the Chilean Senate’s approval of the National Fisheries and Aquaculture Service (SERNAPESCA) modernization project. These new regulations modernize SERNAPESCA, giving it more power to fight illegal fishing and punish the supply chain players who trade in—and profit from—illegally caught seafood. The enforcement capabilities are coupled with a mandate that increases transparency in access to the Vessel Monitoring System (VMS), and makes…


Corruption and Complexity in Chilean Fisheries

*** Más abajo, versión en español *** “It’s complicated.” When we began researching the common hake fishery in Chile, that’s what we were told, again and again. Now, a new exposé has helped highlight just how complicated solving sustainable seafood can get. This fall, the Chilean investigative journalism program Misión Encubierta (‘Covert Mission’) aired "Algo Huele Mal" (“Something Smells Bad”), a hard-hitting piece exposing illegal and bad practices in the Terminal Pesquero Metropolitano, or TPM. A sprawling complex of warehouses, the TPM acts as a giant chokepoint, funneling…


Chasing Stories in Chile: Hitting the Road, Future of Fish Style

When thinking about how to solve overfishing in seafood supply chains, chasing stories across the Chilean countryside may not be the first thing that comes to mind. But at Future of Fish, this is an important first step in developing equitable long-term system change. “We try to make sense of systems by looking at the lived experiences of people within them,” says Charley Scull, Future of Fish Senior Researcher. Since Future of Fish’s inception, an emphasis on understanding the human-behavior side of the sustainable…
