Viewing: chile

Germán Martínez, presidente de agrupación social jaiberos de San Antonio

Conversamos con Germán Martínez, Presidente de la Agrupación Social Jaiberos de San Antonio. Aquí compartimos parte de la entrevista que nos otorgó sobre el proyecto que Future of Fish acompaña desde 2017. ¿ Cómo nace el proyecto de la planta? Nuestra planta de procesos nace con la idea de despinzar, un espacio que por ley debemos tener para producir. Luego de un tiempo nos dio resultado y sacamos una resolución sanitaria. Esto nos llevó a que quisiéramos sacarle el valor agregado al producto. Hoy…


Future of Fish publishes 2022 Impact Report

Since the founding of Future of Fish over a decade ago, our work in the fisheries sector has afforded us many opportunities to learn, grow, and evolve as an organization. Our team at Future of Fish deeply values the power of iterative momentum to get us ever closer to solving the most complex problems facing our world today. Creating change from the ground up takes time and requires building partnerships and establishing enabling conditions to set the foundation to initiate change. In many ways,…


Meet the team: Q&A with Begoña Peñailillo

Begoña has worked both with coastal organizations and with individual fishermen, never forgetting her professional calling to the public service sector. While working with various fishing organizations, she supported them in putting together applications for government funding. She also previously worked in fish processing plants and in sea urchin export in New Zealand. She earned her degree in Fisheries Sciences and is currently finishing her Master’s Degree in Environmental Management and Planning at the University of Chile. Additionally, Begoña completed an unforgettable semester studying…


Fish Story: Talking with Meyling Tang of Tres Peces, Valparaiso

Recently, Future of Fish sat down with Meyling Tang, Co-Founder of Tres Peces Valparaiso, to discuss how their responsible seafood restaurant concept adapted to challenges caused by COVID-19 in Chile. The team behind Tres Peces are pioneers in the sustainable seafood industry in Chile. Despite the COVID-19 pandemic which shuttered many restaurants in Valparaiso, Tres Pesces has grown tremendously in popularity, mostly due to “word of mouth” from existing customers who enjoy their fresh products and meaningful storytelling about the fishers and organizations who…


Electronic monitoring in Chile: testing, implementation, and iteration

Versión en Español a abajo Bycatch is inevitable wherever commercial fishing happens. This incidental capture and discarding of non-targeted species and undersized fish without commercial value can be extremely damaging to biodiversity, especially when it’s unmonitored and unregulated. To help improve bycatch and discard monitoring, Future of Fish partnered with Chile’s National Fisheries Service (SERNAPESCA) starting in 2018, assisting with the selection and installation of image recording devices (IRD) on industrial fleets in order to identify and track any instances of these practices onboard.…


El poder de la colaboración: Future of Fish + ABALOBI

(Artículo originalmente publicado en inglés) Cuando se trata de abordar los problemas sociales y medioambientales de nuestro tiempo, ninguna organización tiene toda la experiencia y la capacidad necesarias para resolver por sí sola estos complejos retos. Pero juntos podemos mover montañas — o, en el caso de la sobrepesca, cambiar las mareas. Un reciente acuerdo de asociación entre Future of Fish y ABALOBI se basa en este espíritu y pretende impulsar un cambio de sistemas a gran escala en beneficio de las comunidades costeras…


The Power of Partnership: Future of Fish + ABALOBI

When it comes to tackling the social and environmental issues of our time, no one organization has all the expertise and capacity needed to solve these complex challenges alone. But together, we can move mountains—or, in the case of overfishing, turn the tide. A recent Partnership Agreement between Future of Fish and ABALOBI builds on this ethos, and seeks to drive large-scale systems change to benefit coastal communities and ocean ecosystems. Together, we hope to combine our strengths across technology, creative financing, systems design,…


Fish Story: René Jara

Historias de pesca: René Jara (Versión en Español más abajo) René Jara, also known as "Patolín", was born in Duao, a fishing cove in the Maule region of Chile.  He began fishing when he was 15, and now — at 28 — he’s an expert in the art, catching hake, squid, crab, and elephant fish among other species. For René, fishing runs in the family: he credits his father for teaching him everything he knows. In time, René's entrepreneurial spirit led him to own…


Capital coordination and capacity building in Chile

Workers in small scale fisheries make up over 90% of all seafood employees. These small fisheries, spread from Chile to Belize to Vietnam, catch 50% of the seafood eaten around the world. Small scale fishing can be a hard life — long days on the water, stock fluctuations due to climate change or overfishing, and often low prices. Still: fishing is a lifestyle, a living, a tradition, and a way to support families and communities. For small scale fishers who want to improve their…


Fish Story: Luis Solís

Historias de pesca: Luis Solís (Versión en Español más abajo) Luis Solís, born and raised in the commune of Renca, is a tireless worker and champion for his community, dedicated to working with small scale producers and businesses to improve food supply chains and access to nutritious food for all Chileans. Over the course of his career in both the private and public sectors, he observed a lack of connection and organization between workers causing inefficiencies in the food supply system, as well as…


Comunicado de prensa: Llamada a la Acción: Future of Fish responde a COVID-19

Future of Fish anuncia nuevas iniciativas para apoyar a los pequeños pescadores durante la crisis de COVID-19 Abril 30, 2020 Para su inmediata publicación Durante una pandemia mundial, ¿qué sucede con los pescadores de mundo? Esta semana, el ONG Future of Fish anunció sus planes para apoyar a los pescadores y a las comunidades pesqueras en este momento sin precedente. La propagación y los efectos devastadores de la pandemia COVID-19 han paralizado un gran parte del mundo. Pero los peces siguen nadando como de…


PRESS RELEASE: Called to Action: Future of Fish responds to COVID-19

Future of Fish announces new initiatives to support small-scale fishers during COVID-19 crisis. April 30, 2020 For Immediate Release (Versión en Español) During a global pandemic, what happens to the world’s fishermen? This week, nonprofit Future of Fish announced its plans for supporting fishers and fishing communities in this unprecedented time. The spread and devastating effects of the COVID-19 pandemic has brought much of the world to a standstill. But fish are still swimming as usual, and small-scale fishers around the globe still depend…
