
Electronic monitoring in Chile: testing, implementation, and iteration

Sep 18, 2020
Versión en Español a abajo Bycatch is inevitable wherever commercial fishing happens. This incidental capture and discarding of non-targeted species and undersized fish without commercial value can be extremely damaging to biodiversity, especially when it’s unmonitored and unregulated. To help improve bycatch and discard monitoring, Future of Fish partnered with Chile’s National Fisheries Service (SERNAPESCA)…

PPE for Fisheries: the impact so far

Aug 21, 2020
In Peru, small scale fisheries play a critical role in food security and the national economy, supplying approximately 95% of the seafood consumed domestically and producing $902 million (USD) in revenue annually. Not surprisingly, then, fishers are considered essential workers. But in villages such as La Islilla — where deficient medical infrastructure means that COVID…

El poder de la colaboración: Future of Fish + ABALOBI

Aug 20, 2020
(Artículo originalmente publicado en inglés) Cuando se trata de abordar los problemas sociales y medioambientales de nuestro tiempo, ninguna organización tiene toda la experiencia y la capacidad necesarias para resolver por sí sola estos complejos retos. Pero juntos podemos mover montañas — o, en el caso de la sobrepesca, cambiar las mareas. Un reciente acuerdo…

The Power of Partnership: Future of Fish + ABALOBI

Aug 20, 2020
When it comes to tackling the social and environmental issues of our time, no one organization has all the expertise and capacity needed to solve these complex challenges alone. But together, we can move mountains—or, in the case of overfishing, turn the tide. A recent Partnership Agreement between Future of Fish and ABALOBI builds on…

Fish Story: René Jara

Jul 11, 2020
Historias de pesca: René Jara (Versión en Español más abajo) René Jara, also known as "Patolín", was born in Duao, a fishing cove in the Maule region of Chile.  He began fishing when he was 15, and now — at 28 — he’s an expert in the art, catching hake, squid, crab, and elephant fish…