Pedro is a fisher from Chorrillos, a coastal area on the Southern outskirts of Lima in Peru. For Pedro, fishing is a lifestyle: his dad taught him how to fish at age 13, and he started fishing with his uncles at age 14, almost thirty years ago. He has made his living from the ocean ever since. Fishing for swordfish, mahi mahi, and other species up to one hundred miles from the coast, Pedro is intimately familiar with the ocean and ports across Lima Municipality.
Since the beginning of the COVID-19 quarantine, the demand for fish products dropped sharply. Pedro grew worried as buyers at the port became few and far between, threatening his ability to make a living. As a 30-year fishing veteran, Pedro wasn’t about to throw in the towel. He pivoted his seafood sales towards a delivery model, and now manages to sell his catch of the day directly via delivery using WhatsApp. With his ability to fish and make a living secure once again, Pedro says “I am calmer, and will wait patiently for the quarantine to end, and see what new waters come my way.”
In this video, Pedro describes his life as a fisher and talks about the complications introduced by COVID-19:
About Pro Delphinus
Pedro is involved with the Peruvian NGO Pro Delphinus, which works closely with fishers and fishing communities to promote marine conservation through implementing strategies such as bycatch mitigation and management plans. Pro Delphinus has been a contributor to Future of Fish’s COVID response in Peru, the Contigo Mi Pescador campaign. For more information on Future of Fish’s COVID response see our Press Release and check out the Contigo Mi Pescador campaign.
Historias de pesca: Pedro
Pedro es un pescador de Chorrillos, una zona costera en las afueras del sur de Lima en Perú. Para Pedro, la pesca es un estilo de vida: su padre le enseñó a pescar a los 13 años, y empezó a pescar con sus tíos a los 14, hace ya casi treinta años. Desde entonces se ha ganado la vida en el océano. Pescando pez espada, perico y otras especies hasta cien millas de la costa, Pedro está íntimamente familiarizado con el océano y los puertos de la Municipalidad de Lima.
Desde el comienzo de la cuarentena debido al COVID-19, la demanda de productos de pescado cayó bruscamente. Pedro se preocupó cuando los compradores del puerto empezaron a ir con menos frecuencia y también a disminuir, amenazando así su capacidad de ganarse la vida. Como un pescador veterano de 30 años, Pedro no estaba dispuesto a tirar la toalla. Orientó su venta de pescado hacia un modelo a domicilio, y ahora se las arregla para vender su pesca del día directamente a través de WhatsApp. Con su capacidad para pescar y ganarse la vida de forma segura una vez más, Pedro dice: “Estoy más tranquilo, y esperaré pacientemente a que termine la cuarentena, para ver qué nuevas aguas se me presentan”.
Sobre Pro Delphinus
Published Jun 11, 2020