A collaboration of four NGOs with strong presence in the seafood traceability space–FishWise, Future of Fish, the IFT’s Global Food Traceability Center, and WWF–will be leading a seafood traceability workshop at the Seafood Expo North America (SENA) on what is required for implementing seafood traceability systems. This hands-on training session will present attendees with available tools and outputs from their collaboration (organized under the Oceans and Seafood Markets Initiative), as well as defining a pathway to achieving full-chain seafood traceability.
During the workshop, attendees will be divided into smaller breakout sessions where a member of the panel will help guide groups through hypothetical scenarios on the seafood traceability projects that they work on. The tools and resources developed by the seafood traceability collaboration, including the Industry Toolkit, the Global Dialogue on Seafood Traceability (GDST), and the online Food Traceability Plan-Builder Tool, will support participants in working through traditional “stuck points” as well as determine where there are opportunities to collaboratively work with other organizations.
Guest panelist, Roxanne Nanninga from Thai Union will share her experience with industry on implementing traceability in seafood supply chains, while providing solutions to real-life barriers their companies have experienced.
Join this influential seafood traceability collaboration on March 13, from 10:00 am to 12:30 pm EST to learn more about working together to support seafood traceability solutions.
Published Feb 06, 2018