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Trazabilidad y cadenas de valor en la pesquería artesanal de merluza austral

La merluza austral, una especie profundamente arraigada en la cultura de los mares del sur de Chile, es un recurso cuya comercialización sostiene a numerosas comunidades costeras en la región de Aysén. Sin embargo, la pesquería artesanal de esta especie enfrenta desafíos significativos en su manejo y administración, además de haber estado en un estado de sobreexplotación durante años. Su cadena de suministro a menudo involucra múltiples intermediarios, lo que dificulta rastrear el origen del pescado, garantizar prácticas sostenibles y proporcionar ingresos justos a…


Empowering Chile’s coastal communities: How Mi Caleta transforms artisanal fishing into a model for sustainable prosperity

At Future of Fish Chile, we believe that artisanal fishing can be a source of prosperity and conservation for the country’s coastal communities. Our commitment is to support artisanal fishers so their products not only reach the market but do so with the fair value they deserve, all within a sustainable framework. We aim to build a world where fishing communities are resilient guardians of marine ecosystems, capable of thriving while protecting the sea that sustains them. Through an interdisciplinary approach and the power…


Empowering women in La Islilla: Sustainable seafood and community development in Peru

Healthy oceans and thriving communities are deeply interconnected. Recognizing this, the Future of Fish team in Peru employs a dual approach to sustainable seafood, focusing on community development and sustainable business practices. In early 2021, we began our journey in La Islilla, a small scale fishing community in Northern Peru, with limited knowledge about its residents, especially the women. Traditionally, artisanal fishing communities are male-dominated, with men primarily responsible for fishing activities and income. Women, on the other hand, are often tasked with household…


Technology and collaboration towards sustainable Chilean fisheries

Photo: SERNAPESCA – Chile In an initiative led by SUBPESCA and SERNAPESCA, and in collaboration with the Fisheries Development Institute (IFOP) and civil society organizations, the Future of Fish team in Chile is working on a project aimed at effectively and efficiently expanding Electronic Monitoring (EM) solutions for fishing through the use of Image Recording Devices (IRD) in the Chilean artisanal fishing fleet (specifically on vessels 15 to 18 meters long). These devices are already used in the industrial fleet in Chile, though they…


Power of Partnerships: Promoting responsible artisan fisheries in Guatemala

Oikocredit worked with the international NGO Future of Fish to assess a potential social enterprise partner in Guatemala, Coastal Catch, regarding its fishing practices and controls. The outcome was positive, and Oikocredit has made a five-year loan to Coastal Catch. This article was originally published on Oikocredit's website. Along Guatemala's Pacific coast stretches a 254 km long expanse of dunes and sandy beaches, bordered by mangrove-lined lagoons. These ecosystems play a crucial role in providing vital environmental services such as serving as breeding grounds…


Saneamiento Sostenible y transformación social en La Islilla: una historia de mejoras de bienestar e impacto ambiental

Future of Fish trabaja en la costa norte de Perú, en la comunidad pesquera La Islilla - Piura, donde desde 2021 ha estado trabajando de la mano con líderes comunitarios y gobierno local para construir una comunidad más resiliente y con visión de futuro. En base a estos diseños, se viene gestando una transformación significativa gracias a la implementación de un piloto de baños secos, una solución de saneamiento que para mejorar la vida de sus habitantes. La Islilla, fundada en 1785, es una…


La Buena Pesca reúne a chefs y pescadores para fomentar la pesca responsable

  El conversatorio tuvo por objetivo dar a conocer la importancia de la pesca artesanal, destacar el rol de la pesca responsable para la sostenibilidad de los ecosistemas marinos y afianzar los vínculos entre chefs y pescadores.  La Buena Pesca es una iniciativa desarrollada en el marco del proyecto Por la Pesca, que cuenta con el respaldo de la Agencia de los Estados Unidos para el Desarrollo Internacional (USAID) y la Fundación de la Familia Walton. Lima, 10 de junio de 2024 – La…


Peru Artisanal Fisher Development Fund — A strategy to support responsible production & sustainable livelihoods

Updated July 11, 2024 Future of Fish is excited to announce the Artisanal Fisher Development Fund (the Fund), a pilot loan guarantee fund to facilitate access to credit to support formalization, sustainable practices and financial inclusion amongst Peru´s artisanal fishing sector . The informal economy in Peru is estimated to make up more than 40% of the country’s GDP and its presence is widespread amongst artisanal fisheries. As in many communities dependent on wild capture fisheries, this lack of formality prevents most fishers, vessel…


The Best Restaurant in South America for 2024 and Fifth in the World promotes responsible fishing and purchasing by participating in the La Buena Pesca Initiative

Originally published in Spanish. We congratulate Maido on this prestigious achievement and applaud their efforts to integrate sustainable practices into their business model. Their example is a beacon of inspiration for the Peruvian gastronomic industry and a demonstration of how collaboration between artisanal fishers and chefs can lead to a more sustainable and fair future for all. La Buena Pesca is an initiative that promotes responsible fishing and consumption in the domestic seafood market in Peru, involving all stakeholders in the artisanal fishing value…


El poder de la colaboración: Water for People and Future of Fish – Entrevista con Gisela Murrugarra, Directora de Water for People Perú

En Future of Fish Perú (FOF) buscamos la sostenibilidad de los recursos marinos, por ello creemos que los ecosistemas oceánicos saludables son la base de las comunidades costeras y de sistemas alimentarios globales; sin embargo, la pesca sostenible no se puede lograr únicamente con medidas ambientales. Se debe considerar e iniciar con el fortalecimiento de comunidades costeras saludables y empoderadas que posean medios de vida seguros, negocios prósperos y la capacidad de gestionar eficazmente los recursos oceánicos de los que dependen económicamente. El acceso…


“Dizziness and Hake. Chronicle from Aysén.” By Iván Greco, Implementation Leader at FOF Chile

Article originally published in Spanish. A subtle yet persistent sensation follows me aboard Pato's boat, a fisherman, great cook, and faithful representative of the "republic of good humor." I'm also in the company of the great Titín, whom I met a few months earlier. Today, he is a crew member onboard, accompanying in the fishing task. We are in Puerto Gala, in Aysén, a locality where we share a few days of work with colleagues. We work in fishing activities, in oceans, in addressing…


“De mareos y merluzas. Crónica desde Aysén”. Por Iván Greco, líder en implementación en FOF Chile

Una sensación sutil, pero persistente, me persigue a bordo del bote de Pato, pescador, gran cocinero y fiel representante de la “república del buen humor”. También estoy en compañía del gran Titín, a quien conocí unos meses antes. Hoy, él es tripulante a bordo acompañando en la faena de pesca. Estamos en Puerto Gala, en Aysén, localidad donde compartimos unos días de trabajo junto a colegas. Trabajamos en actividades de pesca, en océanos, en abordar la crisis que sufre el sector hace muchos años…
