Viewing: Peru

Meet the team: Q&A with Alejandra Cárdenas Huerto

Alejandra is a social psychologist, having previously worked in the education and NGO sectors. She has experience in developing projects and facilitating workshops to develop leadership skills and raise awareness of socio-environmental issues. Her work focuses on the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals through an intercultural approach. She is passionate about transforming her country, Peru, and the world, so that spaces are created where everyone can feel included and have the opportunity to achieve their dreams. She strongly believes in the importance of valuing diversity…


Meet the team: Q&A with Cindy Marchán

Cindy has her degree in Business Administration from the University of Piura with a specialization in Integrated Management and Entrepreneurship Systems. She has experience managing projects supported by public and private funding. In addition, she was previously the administrative manager of the northern headquarters of an aquaculture research center, a trainer in entrepreneurship and finance issues for artisanal fishermen, and the administrator of a fish marketing company, which provided fresh seafood to the most important hotel chains in northern Peru. As part of her…


Meet the team: Q&A with Jenni Ahern

How did you find your way into marine issues? I grew up in coastal Maine in the United States, and I believe I learned how to swim before I could walk. The ocean has been a constant in my life from my favorite foods, sports, and leisure activities. It has guided me through University in Halifax, Nova Scotia where I finished my PADI rescue diver certification at Peggy's Cove in November (that was cold!) To studying abroad, living and working in the Galapagos Islands,…


Meet the team: Q&A with Oscar Vilela Seminario

Oscar has more than 10 years of experience in rural development and project management, specifically focused on two models: The Small-Scale Agriculture Model (SSAM) and the Self Development District Model (SDDM), both implemented in several communities in the coast and highlands of Piura, Peru.  He has created strategic alliances with Regional Governments, Municipalities, Universities, Companies and other NGO’s to expand the reach and impact for the rural families to improve their lives. Oscar has a BS in Accounting and Finance and a Master’s in…


Promoting financial inclusion of small-scale fisheries in Peru

Economic and cultural barriers mean that small-scale fishers in Peru often remain locked out from accessing financing, and from the benefits and opportunities of formalization. By Cristina Rocca, Future of Fish Sustainable Business Analyst Fishers are the stewards of the ocean, and their decisions directly impact the sustainability of the environment and the community’s livelihood. Because of this role, fishers should be well-positioned to access different sources of support and capital for projects, which can incentivize sustainability and resilience and support many UN Sustainable…


Promoviendo a la inclusión financiera de la pesca artesanal en Perú

Las barreras económicas y culturales impiden a los pescadores artesanales de Perú acceder a la financiación y a los beneficios y oportunidades de la formalización. Por Cristina Rocca, analista de negocios sostenibles de Future of Fish (Artículo publicado originalmente en inglés) Los pescadores son los guardianes del océano, y sus decisiones repercuten directamente en la sostenibilidad del medio ambiente y los medios de vida de la comunidad. Debido a este papel, los pescadores deberían estar bien posicionados para acceder a diferentes fuentes de apoyo…
