
El mejor restaurante de Sudamérica del 2024 y quinto en el mundo promueve la pesca y el consumo responsable participando en la iniciativa La Buena Pesca

Jun 06, 2024
_ Felicitamos a Maido por este prestigioso logro y aplaudimos su esfuerzo por integrar prácticas sostenibles en su modelo de negocio. Su ejemplo es un faro de inspiración para la industria gastronómica peruana y una muestra de cómo la colaboración entre pescadores artesanales y chefs puede llevar a un futuro más sostenible y justo para…

Power of Partnerships: Water for People and Future of Fish – Interview with Gisela Murrugarra, Director of Water for People Peru

Jun 04, 2024
Healthy ocean ecosystems are the foundation of healthy coastal communities and functioning global food systems. But sustainable fisheries cannot be achieved with environmental actions alone. It must include and begin with building a foundation for healthy and empowered coastal communities that have secure livelihoods, thriving businesses, and the capacity to effectively manage the ocean resources…

El poder de la colaboración: Water for People and Future of Fish – Entrevista con Gisela Murrugarra, Directora de Water for People Perú

Jun 04, 2024
En Future of Fish Perú (FOF) buscamos la sostenibilidad de los recursos marinos, por ello creemos que los ecosistemas oceánicos saludables son la base de las comunidades costeras y de sistemas alimentarios globales; sin embargo, la pesca sostenible no se puede lograr únicamente con medidas ambientales. Se debe considerar e iniciar con el fortalecimiento de…

The power of partnerships: MAR Fund & Future of Fish

May 10, 2024
Future of Fish recently partnered with the Mesoamerican Reef Fund (MAR Fund) to update business models and suggest investment strategies for the Belizean seaweed industry. Our team connected with the team at MAR Fund to discuss the project a little more, and understand how the organizations work supports each other's mission. MAR Fund Question —…
School of fish underwater image. Deep blue ocean with arched school of fish looking up at the light.

Advancing finance for fisheries improvement

Apr 19, 2024
Fisheries are a crucial part of our global food system, providing sustenance and livelihoods for millions of people worldwide. However, many fisheries face significant challenges, including overfishing, habitat degradation, and the need for effective management practices. In an effort to address these issues, Fisheries Improvement Projects (FIPs) have gained prominence as a mechanism for promoting…