
Con éxito finaliza proyecto de Pesca y Acuicultura de la Alianza del Pacífico

Nov 24, 2023
  La iniciativa fue financiada por el Fondo de Cooperación de la AP, y ejecutada por la Subsecretaría de Pesca y Acuicultura de Chile, a través de la Universidad de Concepción y la Fundación Future of Fish. El Coronavirus afectó de manera directa el quehacer económico de todos los sectores a nivel mundial. Los países…

Gender Data Gap Series: How the Adoption of Digital Services Could Close Gender Data Gaps

Sep 08, 2023
In this final article of the series, we dive more deeply into the concept of digital services and the potential they offer to close gender data gaps not just across areas of natural resource management, but in women’s financial inclusion and the gender digital divide.   How digital services can help close multiple gender data gaps …

Gender Data Gap Series: Why a Gender-Specific Lens is key in Natural Resource Management

Aug 25, 2023
In our first installment of this series, we explored what the gender data gap is and the negative impact that it has on our collective ability to truly achieve the SDGs for all people. In this post, we examine how gender and natural resource management intersect.  Why making women visible in natural resource management matters…

Gender Data Gap Series: How Gender Data Intersects with the SDGs

Aug 04, 2023
Future of Fish’s communications and research manager, Stephanie Stinson, recently completed Gender Data 101, a course facilitated by TechChange that aims to expose course participants to the best practices, methodologies, and tools to utilize when working with gender data for social impact. Additionally, the course strives to engage learners to limit biases, close gender gaps,…
Seaweed farm

Insights into seaweed: The next big blue economy innovation?

Jul 20, 2023
Image Credit: Canva Chances are that if you work in the ocean space, then you know that seaweed is having a moment. From exciting possibilities for nourishing plant-based food products, promising research into its carbon capture capabilities, and a wealth of innovative applications, such as alternatives to plastic packaging, there is no doubt that seaweed’s…