How Technology Can Save the Oceans… with a little bit of help
Jul 01, 2016
Snapchat, instagram, remote-controlled drones. Technology is speeding along faster than we can install the latest iPhone update. And with so much time, energy, and money pouring into tech, we’re excited to see new innovations that can help our oceans as well. Historically, technology applied to oceans has driven decline. Now there’s a new opportunity for…
Catching Up With… Crystal Sanders
Jun 10, 2016
How a lifelong love of fishing became a mission to save the ocean by eating its inhabitants. On a recent Thursday night in San Francisco, a group of guests gathered at Fine & Rare for a dinner to celebrate “little” fish. This Seafood Stories dinner featured chef Douglas Bernstein, executive chef at Sausalito, California’s Fish, a restaurant dedicated…
Press Release: Announcing The Traceability 101 Toolkit
Jun 09, 2016
June 8, 2016 -- There’s a new buzzword in the sustainable seafood movement: traceability. Like “sustainability,” “traceability” can mean different things to different people. To advance progress for greater seafood traceability, a shared understanding of traceability concepts and technology is needed. To help move the conversation forward, Future of Fish, with the assistance of FishWise,…
World Oceans Day Recap: #SexFriendlySeafood and more
Jun 08, 2016
Happy World Oceans Day! As you may have heard, today is a big day for ocean lovers, conservationists, and seafood people everywhere. Check out highlights from today including some tips, facts, and recipes for preparing sustainable seafood yourself. Tweets from the sea. #sexfriendlyseafood Marah Hardt, our Director of Research and author of Sex in the…
World Oceans Day Preview
Jun 02, 2016
At Future of Fish, we’re focused on the ocean every day. That’s why we’re especially excited for World Oceans Day on June 8—it’s a chance to celebrate the sea that nourishes us, and to talk about the environmental and industrial challenges that our oceans face. We’ll be using World Oceans Day (actually, World Oceans Week)…