
Finding the One: Insights from our Seafood Summit panel

Sep 07, 2017
Introduction Selecting a traceability technology provider — or better yet, a group of them — can be a daunting step for any seafood supplier. That’s why we were thrilled to have veterans of the traceability implementation process join us for a panel called “Finding the One” at the 2017 Seafood Summit in Seattle, Washington. In…

How to get seafood supply chains on board with traceability

Aug 28, 2017
Traceability is a powerful tool for suppliers and consumers alike, so why isn’t it more widespread? We set out to better understand the roadblocks keeping seafood supply chains from adopting full-chain traceability. Drawing on our relationships with seafood processors, suppliers, and fishers, we examined the underlying factors that need to be overcome in order to…

Chasing Stories in Chile: Hitting the Road, Future of Fish Style

Aug 23, 2017
When thinking about how to solve overfishing in seafood supply chains, chasing stories across the Chilean countryside may not be the first thing that comes to mind. But at Future of Fish, this is an important first step in developing equitable long-term system change. “We try to make sense of systems by looking at the…

Cooperative traceability: Next-generation approaches for complex seafood supply chains

Jun 05, 2017
Seafood traceability requires reliable data, but the logistics of creating, transferring, and receiving trustworthy, timely data in complex supply chains can be tricky. At every link in the seafood supply chain, a new player handles the fish and either creates or consumes data. Each player has various interests and business needs, which means their data…

Catching Up With… Sean Barrett

Sep 12, 2016
How one company is inspiring chefs and restaurants around the country to pair story with seafood. Expanding on the launch of our Storied Fish research report, The Untapped Potential of Story to Sell Seafood, we caught up with Sean Barrett, Co-Founder of Dock to Dish to hear how spreading the message of “know your fisherman” has allowed restaurants…