Data Modernization Moves: SERNAPESCA and Future of Fish MOU signals collaboration
Jun 19, 2019
VERSIÓN EN ESPAÑOL DISPONIBLE It’s been a strong year for fisheries improvement in Chile. As we wrote about in January, the government kicked-off 2019 with passage of a modernization law to strengthen enforcement and transparency across Chile’s extensive fisheries and supply chains. As part of this effort, Future of Fish is excited to continue our partnership with…
Project Crossroads: moving towards action with fishing caletas and open air vendors
Jun 18, 2019
Over the last year, Future of Fish has been working through a co-design process with four Chilean artisanal hake caletas, leading them through idea development, business modelling and most recently to the finalisation of business plans. Last month we brought everyone together in Valparaiso, to discuss our cross-caleta learnings and plan our next steps. Working…
Celebrating Women in Fisheries
Jun 13, 2019
World Ocean Day was June 8, and we loved hearing about all the inspiring projects and activists working to improve the health of our oceans. This year’s focus was “gender and the ocean,” a topic very dear to our hearts. Of course, work to protect marine environments and create thriving fisheries is a year-round job,…
Keeping track of the Fish+Tech space
May 29, 2019
The fish tech space is growing, and fast. It was just a few years back that industry folks and nonprofits alike were trying to get their heads around what end-to-end traceability might look like and which technologies might be used to facilitate it. Since then, we’ve seen technologies such as blockchain, electronic monitoring, and machine…
Towards a Sustainable Seafood Movement in Peru
May 02, 2019
In Peru, chefs are influencers. Armed with international training, Michelen-starred restaurants, and huge Instagram followings, Peru’s hottest culinary stars help drive the food scene and can elevate a humble ingredient or regional dish to cult status. This influence extends well beyond the country’s borders: gastronomic tourism is booming, and the World Travel Awards has named…