Exploring finance strategies to empower cooperatives in Mexico
Dec 21, 2024
We are excited to announce the launch of a project in partnership with Builders Initiative, to develop strategies to enhance the competitiveness and resilience of artisan fishing cooperatives in Baja Sur, Mexico. This initiative reflects our shared commitment to fostering sustainable fishing practices and supporting local communities reliant on small-scale fisheries. Fisher cooperatives in Baja…
Trazabilidad y cadenas de valor en la pesquería artesanal de merluza austral
Dec 19, 2024
La merluza austral, una especie profundamente arraigada en la cultura de los mares del sur de Chile, es un recurso cuya comercialización sostiene a numerosas comunidades costeras en la región de Aysén. Sin embargo, la pesquería artesanal de esta especie enfrenta desafíos significativos en su manejo y administración, además de haber estado en un estado…
Traceability and value chains in the artisanal hake fishery
Dec 17, 2024
Southern hake, a species deeply rooted in the culture of the seas of southern Chile, is a resource whose commercialization supports numerous coastal communities in the Aysén Region. However, the artisanal fishery of this species faces challenges in its management and administration, in addition to being in an overexploited state for years. Its supply chain…
Meet Guisella Purizaca Eche: Community leader
Dec 11, 2024
As part of the Guardians of the Sea (Guardianes del mar) series, Future of Fish’s Jhordan Avalos had the opportunity to speak with Guisella Purizaca Eche, a 33-year-old leader from La Islilla, a small artisanal fishing village located in Paita, Piura - Peru. Known for her openness and motivation to participate in Future of Fish’s…
Entrevista a Gisella del Pilar Purizaca Eche: Lideresa de La Islilla
Dec 10, 2024
En el marco de la campaña Guardianes del Mar, tuvimos la oportunidad de conversar con Gisella Purizaca Eche, una lideresa de 33 años de La Islilla, caleta de pescadores artesanales ubicada en Paita, Piura - Perú. A quién conocemos por su apertura y motivación para participar en las actividades que desarrollamos en La Islilla. Ella…