
ICT4Fisheries Conference: five traceability takeaways

Dec 04, 2019
By Traci Linder (FishWise) and Fiona Lugo-Mulligan (Future of Fish) It's the Information Age. And, if you, like us, wonder how developments in information and communication technologies (ICT) can help advance sustainability and traceability in small-scale fisheries...then read on! FishWise and Seafood Alliance for Legality and Traceability (SALT) Project Director Traci Linder and Future of Fish (FoF) Traceability Program Director…

Five Ways to Protect the Future of Fish in a Changing Climate

Oct 28, 2019
In our last blog post, we looked at five ways that climate change threatens fish and the people that rely on them for their livelihoods. Since then, the IPCC released its Special Report on the Ocean and Cryosphere in a Changing Climate, which paints an alarming picture for our ocean. We admit to shedding a few…

Capital Coordination for Fisheries Transformation

Oct 03, 2019
Sometimes, when solving problems in complex systems, designing simple solutions can work best. One year after we hosted a panel on blended finance and fisheries at SOCAP (the Social Capital Markets conference in San Francisco), we will be returning to this conference with a refined perspective on blended finance, and share what we’ve learned first-hand in Peru, Chile and…

Five Ways Climate Change Threatens the Future of Fish

Sep 17, 2019
In our mission to end overfishing, we focus on creating solutions that can benefit both the environment and the communities that depend on fisheries for food and trade. Increasingly, we find ourselves faced with the question: how can we design solutions that can endure the onslaught of climate change? And even more importantly, can we…

How do you define government data modernization?

Sep 05, 2019
Earlier this year, Future of Fish undertook a research project on fisheries data modernization efforts across governments. From this work we’ve come up with a proposed definition for ‘government data modernization’ and we want to know what you think. The Information Age is here, but fisheries that are able to effectively collect and use data…