The Power of Partnership: Future of Fish, Secure Fisheries and Shuraako
Dec 15, 2020
Photo: lobster fishing in Bander Bayla. When it comes to tackling the social and environmental issues of our time, no one organization has all the expertise and capacity needed to solve these complex challenges alone. But together, we can move mountains—or, in the case of fisheries, turn the tide. A recent Partnership Agreement between Future…
PPE for Fisheries: the next phase
Nov 12, 2020
Photo shows fishers in Parachique wearing PPE. At far left is Henry Juarez Ruíz, president of the coop in Parachique: Asociación de Pescadores Artesanales Dedicados a la Extracción de Pota y Perico y otros—Parachique la Bocana (APADEXPO). Back in June we launched PPE for Fisheries, a campaign to support fishers and seafood traders in Peru’s…
Join the Seafood Voting Challenge
Oct 13, 2020
At Future of Fish, we believe that voting is a fundamental right that should be protected and promoted to ensure everyone’s voices are represented, regardless of race, gender, income, sexual orientation, religion, national origin, age or political affiliation. As an international non-profit dedicated to supporting thriving coastal communities and ocean based economies, we are acutely…
Capital Coordination and Capacity Building in Duao
Oct 07, 2020
The role of a system intermediary isn’t about moving fish; it’s about moving information, money, and expertise to fill gaps in the system. And it’s critical for driving sustainable small-scale fisheries. The artisanal hake fishers in Duao, Chile are organized and motivated. But like so many other small-scale fishers who want to improve their practices, increase…
Coordinación de capital y desarrollo de capacidades en Duao
Oct 07, 2020
(Artículo originalmente publicado en inglés) El papel de intermediario del sistema no consiste en mover pescado, sino información, dinero y conocimientos para llenar los huecos del sistema. Y es fundamental para impulsar la pesca sostenible a pequeña escala. Los pescadores artesanales de merluza de Duao (Chile) están organizados y motivados. Pero, como muchos otros pescadores…