
Helping fishers in Peru navigate climate change

Apr 14, 2021
Small scale fishers in Peru have to travel over double the distance than in the past to find their catch, disrupting communities, livelihoods, and threatening food security. The question is: how is this change expected to continue in the future?  Future of Fish is working with communities to identify solutions to support sustainable fishing and…

Covid-19 + Fisheries: Six essential readings

Mar 25, 2021
After a year (or more, depending on where you’re located) of Covid-19 pandemic lockdowns almost nothing about our work in fisheries looks the same as it did before. At the beginning of 2020, we were deeply embedded in on-the-ground projects with small scale fisheries in Peru and Chile, and developing projects in Vietnam and the…

Promoting financial inclusion of small-scale fisheries in Peru

Jan 08, 2021
Economic and cultural barriers mean that small-scale fishers in Peru often remain locked out from accessing financing, and from the benefits and opportunities of formalization. By Cristina Rocca, Future of Fish Sustainable Business Analyst Fishers are the stewards of the ocean, and their decisions directly impact the sustainability of the environment and the community’s livelihood.…

Promoviendo a la inclusión financiera de la pesca artesanal en Perú

Jan 08, 2021
Las barreras económicas y culturales impiden a los pescadores artesanales de Perú acceder a la financiación y a los beneficios y oportunidades de la formalización. Por Cristina Rocca, analista de negocios sostenibles de Future of Fish (Artículo publicado originalmente en inglés) Los pescadores son los guardianes del océano, y sus decisiones repercuten directamente en la…

The Power of Partnership: Future of Fish, Secure Fisheries and Shuraako

Dec 15, 2020
Photo: lobster fishing in Bander Bayla. When it comes to tackling the social and environmental issues of our time, no one organization has all the expertise and capacity needed to solve these complex challenges alone. But together, we can move mountains—or, in the case of fisheries, turn the tide. A recent Partnership Agreement between Future…