
Meet the team: Q&A with Diego Undurraga

May 05, 2020
Diego, Future of Fish's Latin America Business Innovations Lead, joined us a last year after a series of positions in the marine resource management and sustainable fishing field. Diego earned his Master's degree in Environmental Science and Management from the Bren School at the University of California in Santa Barbara with a specialization in Coastal…

PRESS RELEASE: Called to Action: Future of Fish responds to COVID-19

Apr 30, 2020
Future of Fish announces new initiatives to support small-scale fishers during COVID-19 crisis. April 30, 2020 For Immediate Release (Versión en Español) During a global pandemic, what happens to the world’s fishermen? This week, nonprofit Future of Fish announced its plans for supporting fishers and fishing communities in this unprecedented time. The spread and devastating…

Meet the team: Q&A with Juliana Tadano

Apr 07, 2020
Juliana Tadano is a graduate student in the University of Washington’s Executive Masters in Policy and Administration through the Evans school. She recently joined Future of Fish to provide operations and communications support and to gain experience in the NGO and sustainable fisheries worlds. Juliana has project management experience in stormwater municipal permit management, freshwater…

Collaborating to promote responsible seafood sourcing in Peru

Mar 26, 2020
Note: Future of Fish is committed to our work in Peru and with the current global situation we are actively evaluating best methods of moving our programs forward and empowering resilient ocean economies. Sign up for our newsletter to stay connected and hear how our work is progressing. No one person or organization can change a system.…

Comunicado de prensa: Future of Fish y el World Wildlife Fund formalizan una nueva colaboración para promover la sostenibilidad en la pesquería del perico peruano

Mar 20, 2020
16 de marzo de 2020 Para publicación inmediata Future of Fish y el World Wildlife Fund (WWF) se complacen en formalizar una nueva colaboración diseñada para promover la sostenibilidad en el Proyecto de Mejora Pesquera (FIP, por sus siglas en inglés) del perico peruano. Este trabajo reúne el innovador Modelo de Desarrollo de Pesquerías (FDM,…